Saturday, September 5, 2015
I am taking sabbatical from teaching at Dona Ana Community College in the coming year to study porcelain production in Jingdezhen, China. I will be traveling and studying with a small group of students and ceramics professor Shoji Satake from West Virginia University from September 10-December 14, 2015. WVU coordinates a Ceramics in China study abroad program in partnership with the Pottery Workshop in Jingdezhen. Upon my return to New Mexico in late December, 2015 I will turn my attention to creative work in the studio inspired by the experience of living and working in China.
The last couple weeks have been busy with the myriad of preparations, from medical records, travel paperwork, internet VPN access, and new electronic gadgets to become familiar with. My wife, Lee Ann’s help has been indispensable in organizing all of the resources that I need for travel. We have observed that it is not such a simple task to ‘go to China’.

Today, I am already feeling a little homesick for the familiar environment of Las Cruces, New Mexico. A couple photographs are included in this post to help remind me of the landscape and motor court apartments that have represented a sense of ‘home’ for the past twenty-plus years.
Congratulations on your first blog post!
bon voyage
Have a good trip!
May you learn everything you desire. Live in the moment, enjoy the people n food n more importantly stay healthy.
We are so lucky you are so generous to share your China Experience with us. We look forward to all of your posts.- Rie and Fran Palkovic
Glen: I’m so excited for you and your Grand artistic endeavor. We are all going to celebrate and live vicariously through your narratives. Please take detailed journal notes. China is an interesting country and i know you’ll come back more enlightened than ever.
Trudy Buck
Glen…what a wonderful experience you are going to have! Can’t wait to see how your will interpret what you experience. Happy Trails!
Looking forward to seeing China through the eyes of an artist. Best wishes for your sabbatical.
‘Glad you made it OK. You are linking up with a multi-thousand year history of ceramics and arts. Enjoy.
Glad to hear you made it to China!! Have fun!
Oh Boy!! The adventure has begun, and we are really looking forward to reading about it through this blog!! Have fun!
Thank you for the benefit of sharing your unusual travels.
Thanks for tagging along!
Glad you are following along.
Thank for checking in on my adventure.
Thanks, Jan. I hope to share some good stories and of course pictures.
I hope my posts will live up to everyone’s expectations.
I am honored to have you along on my virtual tour bus! Strap in and hold on!
Thanks, Mandy. I hope to share some good images and stories with my Western comrades!
Glen, I’m so happy you are doing a blog so we can keep up with you – I love the pictures! They’re really wonderful – hope you are well – I look forward to “following you” through your journey! Take care –
Thanks for checking in on the blog. I hope to update the blog every week to share new adventures.
Hello, Glenn. I assume you have settled into a routine. We have had a lot of rain so I spend time on the roof. I went up to Madrid,NM to see the opening of an anagram kiln firing. Michael Prokos stole the show. Marvelous pottery. Very beautiful results. I also went to the Tom Coleman workshop in Santa Fe. He works with porcelain almost exclusively. Had a great time. Have fun in China.
auto correct changed anagama kiln to anagram. Go figure.
Omg! I’m so excited for you! I can’t believe you are there experiencing all of the art that country has to offer! I am so happy for you and wish you safe travels and speedy return! Enjoy your journey.